Program Overview
Fly By Nature Foundation is reframing the narrative! We have strategically designed our curriculum around the skillsets that re-enforce youth wellness, building foundations on self-awareness, interpersonal skills, and improved communication along with other critical skills that improve emotional intelligence and help students become productive citizens.
Fly By Nature Foundation takes holistic approaches on how we engage with youth that participate in our programming. We offer support and resources for parents and caregivers to help them navigate through the obstacles and challenges they face. We create safe spaces for youth to be their authentic selves without any judgement. We want to help improve school culture with the assistance with our Mental Health partners and our Co-Flier Facilitators. We value the voice, ideas and concerns of your youth and give them the opportunity for student led activities apart of our programming. Below are some of our Excel with SEL curriculum alignments and approaches we value.
Aligned with the 5 Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Core Competencies
Aligned with People Centered Engagement
Aligned with Healing Centered Engagement
Aligned with Positive Youth Development
Trauma-Recovery Development
Aligned with Restorative Justice Practices and Approaches
Educators are enthusiastic about our curriculum aligning with Collaborative for Academic Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) encompassing these 5 core competencies:
Relationship Skills
Responsible Decision Making

The Why:
Identify pain points that disrupt students from learning and strengthening Emotional Intelligence. Our program helps students excel through SEL that produce positive outcomes.
Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success.
Demonstrate responsible decision making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.
Use social awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships.

Lesson Components
​Ice breakers & Engagement
Journal Prompts
Lesson Presentation
Short Video and discussion
Interactive activities
Therapeutic Art and Expression
UNIT 1: Developing Emotional Intelligence & Emotion Regulation
UNIT 2: Empathy| Kindness | Diversity | Inclusion - Embracing and accepting our differences.
UNIT 3 Growing While Grieving - Understanding how to cope with grief.
UNIT 4: Bullying Prevention & Intervention
UNIT 5: Solve it, Resolve It - Conflict Resolution using nonviolent communication.

When developing our Excel with SEL program, we wanted to ensure we integrated all of the alignments and approaches. After speaking with countless of Principals, Teachers, Parents, Caregivers and Students, we included all of their concerns, challenges, obstacles, frustrations and changes they wanted to see in their Schools and Communities. We spoke with some many students that told us they didn't trust telling their parents anything because of their fear of their reaction and dismissiveness. We spoke with parents that expressed that the teachers were not sensitive to their student needs and traumas. We spoke with teachers that expressed some of the challenges they were experiencing with the parents and caregivers relationships. One of our goals is to improve teacher parent partnerships. Below are the trainings and workshops we will offer in partnership with our Mental Health Professionals.
Reimagining parenting in this evolving world workshop for parents and caregivers.
Trauma Recovery Care Workshops for parents and caregivers.
Trauma Recovery Care Professional Development Training for teachers and school staff.
Raise awareness around trauma Recovery care practices for teachers, school staff, parents and caregivers.
Improve teacher and student partnerships
Improve teacher, parent and caregiver partnerships.
Provide parenting tips and how to reimagine parenting in this evolving world.
Help improve school cultures.
Curriculum Resources
We have developed a full Instructors manual for teachers to use for instruction. a This curriculum follows the Social Emotional Learning Standards. Students will use their own workbook to stay on track with the lesson plans and to keep for reinforcement and use as a resource.

Program Benefits:
Improved attitudes about self, others and tasks
Increased awareness
Increased knowledge
Perceived classroom and school climate
Use Art as a coping mechanism & healing
Positive Social Behaviors and Relationships
Improved Academic Performance
Fewer Conduct Problems
Less Emotional Distress
Less substance use
High School Graduation
College/Career Readiness
Safe Sexual Behaviors
Healthy Relationships
Improved Mental Health
Reduced Criminal Behavior
Increased Civic Engagement